Grants & Scholarships

Status: Open

Rsif Junior Investigator Research Award (Rsif JIRA)


Deadline: 30/06/2024


This is a restricted Call targeting ONLY Rsif PhD graduates. The JIRA aims to support Rsif sponsored PhD graduates to advance their research career after completing a PhD by allowing them to lead autonomous research projects.

Target Applicants: Rsif sponsored PhD graduates as lead applicants collaborating with International Partners in academia or research centres in the continent and beyond.

Grant Size and Duration: US$ 50,000- 80,000 for up to 2 years from time of award.

For more information read the application Documents below

Application Documents



To see the existing Rsif research projects click here

For an overview of our granting process, click here



Reference Documents

Rsif Research and Innovations Grants Manual 2019 Provides an overview of the compliance requirements for recipients of Rsif Research and Innovation Grants
English | French

Rsif Project Grant Agreement Provides the contractual terms and conditions for recipients of Rsif Research and Innovation Grants
English | French

Rsif Intellectual Property ManualThis Manual provides guidance on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) provisions applicable in the Rsif program.
English | French

Grants Partners Consortium Agreement (draft)To be signed by the grant partners collaborating in the implementation of an RSIF awarded Research and Innovation Grant. Outlines the terms and conditions and working modalities for parties involved in the partnership.