
Advancing STEM in Africa: PASET Rsif welcomes the 6th cohort of PhD scholars

Janet Otieno
21 Mar 2025 0

The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), serving as the Regional Coordination Unit for the PASET Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (Rsif), has welcomed a new cohort of PhD scholars – the 6th Cohort since 2018. The scholars had a week long orientation at icipe Duduville campus from 17-21 March 2025. The orientation discussed the expected PhD journey of the scholars, and prepared them for the new academic environments they are entering into.  Studies show that proper orientation of scholars at the beginning of their PhD journey increases retention, and reduces completion timelines. It is one of best practices in building science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) capacity.

Background on Rsif

The PASET Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (Rsif) is a flagship programme of the Partnership for Skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (PASET), an Africa-led initiative aimed at bridging gaps in skills and knowledge necessary for sustained economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa. Established in 2015, Rsif focuses on transformative technologies with far-reaching societal impacts, including ICTs, food security, minerals and mining, energy, and climate change.

Rsif is supported by African governments – Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, the World Bank, the Government of Korea, and other development partners. It provides high-quality doctoral training and research opportunities at competitively selected African universities, fostering partnerships with international institutions to enhance research and innovation capacities.

Past Cohorts and Achievements

With cohort 6 now onboard, Rsif has supported 302 PhD students across since 2018, when icipe took on the responsibility of being a Regional Coordination Unit.  Out of these, 45 have so far graduated, and returned to their home countries. Rsif scholarships are competitive, and emphasizes international collaboration, and alignment with Africa’s development priorities.

Cohort 6 Orientation

The Cohort 6 scholars, supported by a $2 million USD grant from the Kenyan government, commenced their orientation at icipe. This cohort includes 21 scholars, 16 of whom are Kenyans and 4 are from Ethiopia, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Tanzania. Using the PASET 80/20 rule, 80 per cent of the funds support nationalities of the countributing country and 20 per cent support other nationalities from Africa. In this case Kenya was the contributing country supporting Cohort 6. The event highlighted the importance of completing the programme and aligning research with African challenges.

Group photo of all Cohort 6 scholars and Rsif staff

Dr Julius Ecuru, Rsif RCU Manager at icipe expressed icipe’s appreciation for Government of Kenya’s renewed contribution that enabled support for this specific cohort 6 of scholars. He congratulated the scholars on being selection from thousands of applicants. ‘Rsif is prestigious PhD scholarship programme in both its form and content in Africa, and is highly competitive”, Dr Ecuru stated.

More than 810 applications were received, out of which only 21 were selected. Of the 21 selected,8 are women, highlighting the importance of gender considerations in STEM.

Ms Ruth Charo, Senior Education Specialist at the World Bank Task Team Leader for the Rsif project encouraged the scholars to address African problems through their research.

“Since this is taxpayers’ money, the contributing countries have made a big sacrifice to ensure the African continent leapfrogs in STEM for its prosperity,” Ms Charo said.

“As the World Bank, we are very grateful to the African Host Universities (AHUs), International Partner Institutions (IPIs), African Governments, and the Government of Korea that came together to ensure that this programme is successful,” she added.

Mr James Muchiri, who represents the Ministry of Education at PASET Executive Board stressed the importance of scholars to add value to their countries through impactful research and partnerships.

“As a government, we would be interested to see the value you as scholars will be adding to our countries. We want you to make a difference make in the lives people and communities you come from,” Mr Muchiri who was in attendance said.

L-R: Cynthia Orang’o, Mr James Muchiri, Dr Everlyn Nguku

Prof Aminata Sall Diallo, the Chair of the PASET Executive Board also extended her gratitude to Government of Kenya for the additional financing. She encouraged the scholars to be pragmatic and pursue their studies with passion. “You are the next generation of thought leaders, problem-solvers, and changemakers. The knowledge and expertise you will gain through this program will not only advance your careers but also contribute to the socio-economic transformation of Africa. I  encourage you to embrace this opportunity fully—engage with your peers, seek mentorship, and push the boundaries of research and innovation. Your work has the potential to make a real impact, addressing some of the most pressing challenges of our time” Prof Diallo said.

Prof. Aminata Sall Diallo, Rsif PASET Chair of the Executive Board

“As you embark on this academic journey, I urge you to uphold the highest standards of integrity, discipline, and excellence. Doctoral research is not easy—it demands resilience, hard work, and an unrelenting pursuit of knowledge”, Prof Diallo continued.  Prof Diallo concluded by encouraging the scholars to “strive for excellence and seek to inspire and mentor others who will follow in their footsteps.”

Rsif has grown to become one of the largest academic and research networks in Africa, with more than 450 active scientists, including the scholars. In collaboration with 15 African Host Universities and 32 International Partner Institutions, the scholars and their academic advisors have published more than 370 papers in high impact journals with 1,807 citations as of February 2025.

Cohort 6 scholars during the Orientation

As the cohort 6 scholars embark on their academic journeys, they join a network of highly talented colleagues – brightest minds in the continent. But the real challenge is the stamina they should possess to complete their studies in time, and join the workforce in the continent to make a difference in the communities they serve.