Invitation to RSIF Cooperability Grant and Research Award Webinars

Topic: Cooperability Grant-  and  Research Award
Time: Dec 17, 2019 02:00 PM Nairobi
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Significant milestone for doctoral training, research and innovation in Africa

Nairobi, Kenya, Monday, 7 October 2019: The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), in its capacity as the Coordination Unit of the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF), has signed Partnership Agreements with the Fund’s 11 African Host Universities (AHUs).

The RSIF is the flagship initiative of the Partnership for skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (PASET). Led by African governments, PASET aims to address fundamental gaps in skills and knowledge necessary for long-term, sustained economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Specifically, RSIF aims to train at least 10,000 PhDs in 10 years, while also strengthening research and innovation in applied sciences, engineering and technology (ASET). The initiative is currently funded by contributions from African governments, the World Bank and the Government of Korea.

The AHUs are competitively and rigorously selected universities, research institutes or centres based in Africa that offer a PhD programme in any one of the RSIF priority thematic areas. The universities host RSIF PhD scholars, and partner with icipe in capacity building. They also receive grants for research and innovation from RSIF.
The signing of the Partnership Agreements was officiated by the Ministry of Education, Kenya (currently the Chair of the Governing Council of PASET). The meeting participants were Vice Chancellors of the 10 RSIF AHUs, representatives of the PASET Executive Board, the Consultative Advisory Group, the World Bank, the Ministry of Education Kenya, icipe staff, and various high-level delegates.

Significant milestone
“The Partnership Agreements between icipe and the AHUs marks a significant milestone towards realising the goals of RSIF, arguably Africa’s most innovative and ambitious effort towards strengthening capacity in ASET,” noted Prof. Aminata Sall Diallo, chairperson PASET Executive Board.

“We now have a framework that will enable the AHUs to benefit fully from opportunities available through RSIF, including accessing young scientific talent, grants, and various opportunities to strengthen PhD training.”
Moreover, the structure will inform efforts by the AHUs to partner with stringently chosen international institutions in their areas of expertise, where RSIF scholars may conduct part of their studies. This process will lead to a network system that ensures collaborative and innovative research, and the highest level of mentorship for the emerging scientists and researchers by leading local and global experts.

“RSIF is strongly positioned to support the continent’s concerted goals of achieving inclusive and sustainable development,” said Dr Segenet Kelemu, Director General & CEO, icipe.

She added: “As the Regional Coordination Unit, it is important to have formal basis for collaboration with AHUs, to comprehensively and effectively bring together various facets that will ultimately contribute to the overall vision of RSIF.”

icipe’s mandate includes supporting strengthening the capacity of the AHUs and partnering institutions to manage PhD scholarships, and to conduct research and innovation in the priority sectors. In addition, icipe  facilitates the creation of partnerships with governments, universities and national and international research organisations for research training, for example through sandwich training and collaboration with centres of excellence.

Notes for Editors
The Partnership for skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (PASET) is an Africa-led initiative with the objective of strengthening the science, technology and engineering capability in sub-Saharan Africa to further its socio-economic transformation. Led by African governments, PASET champions a regional approach which complements individual country efforts. It functions as a convening platform by bringing together African governments, the private sector, and new partners, such as Brazil, China, India, and Korea, to invest in Africa. Overall, PASET focuses on maximizing investment in key sectors, while increasing the capacity of universities, research centers and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) centers to generate knowledge and create skilled workforces, researchers and innovators relevant to Africa’s development challenges.

Further information:

The Regional Scholarship Innovation Fund (RSIF), the flagship initiative of PASET, aims to respond to prevailing opportunities and challenges in SSA by reinforcing doctoral training in ASET through a virtuous circle that will increase the number of PhD graduates and the quality of higher education through stronger faculty. A competitive grants scheme, RSIF has two components: (i) a general fund, which supports PhD training, research and innovation projects and (ii) a permanent or endowment fund, whose proceeds will be channeled into the general fund. Further information:

As the Regional Coordination Unit (RCU) of RSIF, the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (, has a mandate that includes overall coordination planning, monitoring and evaluation of RSIF activities. Specifically, icipe  manages the two RSIF funds; strengthens the capacity of universities and partnering institutions to train PhDs, and to facilitates research and innovation in the PASET priority sectors.Further information:

Current RSIF African Host Universities
ICTs including big data and artificial intelligence 

  • University of Gaston Berger, Senegal (Africa Center of Excellence for Mathematics, Informatics, and ICT);
  • University of Rwanda (Africa Center of Excellence in Internet of Things – ACEIoT).

Food security and agribusiness

  • University of Ghana (Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness);
  • Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania (Africa Center of Excellence for Infectious Diseases of Humans & Animals in Southern & Eastern Africa -SACIDS).

Minerals, mining and materials engineering

  • African University of Science and Technology (Pan African Materials Institute), Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Kenyatta University, Kenya (Department of Physics);
  • Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Tanzania (Africa Centre of Excellent in Water Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy Futures – WISE-Futures).

Energy including renewables

  • University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria (Africa Center of Excellence in Oilfield Chemicals Research – ACE-CEFOR);
  • University of Nairobi, Kenya (Department of Physics).

Climate change

  • University Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Côte D’ivoire (Africa Center of Excellence for Climate Change Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture);
  • Bayero University, Nigeria (Africa Centre of Excellence in Dryland Agriculture)




Project Name:            The Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF) for Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Grant No.:                  D347-3A
Assignment Title:      Consultancy to facilitate and deliver grants proposal writing workshop for RSIF African Host Universities
Reference No:           KE-ICIPE-141202-CS-INDV
The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
The consulting services (“the Services”) include: Positioning the RSIF as the premier sustainable pan-African science fund, focused on building high quality applied research capacity in Africa. It aims to develop a comprehensive communications, outreach and branding strategy and related products for the RSIF.  The strategy and products should serve different stakeholders in managing, implementing and overseeing RSIF
icipe intends to hire the services of an individual consultant to deliver a series of grants proposal writing training workshops to selected teams from the RSIF African Host Universities.The training should equip participants with skills on how to write winning grant proposals especially related to research, innovation and capacity building in higher education in the ASET  fields and enable them to submit high quality proposals in line with the requirements of relevant funding opportunities such as the European Union, Japan SATRAPs as well as RSIF calls.
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the following website:

The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology now invites eligible consulting individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The shortlisting criteria are:

  1. The consultant must be sufficiently qualified, with at least a master’s degree.
  2. The applicant should have and must demonstrate at least 5 years’ experience in managing proposals for research grants, innovation projects or related business projects.
  3. He/she should also have a demonstrated capacity or experience in delivering grant proposal writing training in any of the areas mentioned above. Attach at least three (3) relevant assignments undertaken in the last five (5) years.
  4. The consultant should have proficiency in speaking English. Proficiency in French will be an added advantage.

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

Consultants may associate with other consultants to enhance their qualifications but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub- consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the criteria laid down in “Selection Based on Consultants Qualification” (CQS) method set out in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers July 2016, Revised November 2017 and August 2018 which can be found at the following website:
Further information can be obtained at this address ( during office hours 08:00 – 17:00 hrs East Africa Time.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person and deposited in the icipe Tender Box, located at icipe Duduville campus, Kasarani, Nairobi (Caroll Wilson Building, Ground Floor) on or before November 8th, 2019 at 11:00 hrs, East Africa Time. The bids will be opened the same date and time, in the presence of those submitting. The submissions in hard copy should be clearly marked: ‘Expression of Interest – Consultancy to facilitate and deliver grants proposal writing workshop for RSIF African Host Universities”. Electronic submissions can be sent via email to:


International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe)
Attn:  Susan Kariuki, Procurement Manager
Duduville campus, Kasarani, Nairobi
P.O. Box 30772, 00100 GPO
Tel:  +254-20-8632000 , Fax: +254-20-8632001/2
To facilitate and deliver grants proposal writing workshop for RSIF African Host Universities
Project Name : The Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund for Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (RSIF)
Reference No : KE-ICIPE-141202-CS-INDV
Grant No.:  D347-3A
Expected duration: 28 days
Expected start date: December 2, 2019
Application deadline: November  8, 2019
The Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF) is the flagship programme of the African Government led Partnership for Skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (PASET). It aims  to double the number of African Ph.Ds in the applied sciences, engineering and technology fields over a 10 year period, raise the quality of Ph.D training and applied demand-driven research in competitively selected African universities through international partnerships and closer linkages with the private sector and industry.

RSIF is implemented through African host universities that will host RSIF scholars, be eligible to apply for RSIF research and innovation grants, and access opportunities for strengthening the design and management of PhD programmes and partnerships with world class research institutions. RSIF systematically nurtures research capacity by fostering partnerships between universities and domestic and international firms to find solutions to local challenges. RSIF has an explicit focus on building the sustainable institutional capacities of African universities to train postgraduates to doctoral level with a parallel aim of increasing the participation of women in science in Africa. For more details see

RSIF is currently funded by contributions from African governments, the World Bank and the Government of Korea. It is managed by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), Nairobi, Kenya, as the RSIF Regional Coordinating Unit (RCU).  Besides an RSIF research and innovation grant scheme that the African Host Universities are eligible to compete for, icipe as the regional coordination unit is facilitating network building and multi-stakeholder consortia development, signing of MOUs and joint funding proposal writing with the AHUs and international partner institutions.

icipe intends to hire the services of an individual consultant to deliver a series of grants proposal writing training workshops to selected teams from the RSIF African Host Universities.The training should equip participants with skills on how to write winning grant proposals especially related to research, innovation and capacity building in higher education in the ASET[1] fields and enable them to submit high quality proposals in line with the requirements of relevant funding opportunities such as the European Union, Japan SATRAPs as well as RSIF calls.
It is proposed that the trainings be held at icipe Headquarters in Kenya as a residential workshop over 5 days with up to 35 participants per workshop from the African host universities and possible representatives from international partner institutions. The consultant would be expected to engage with participants before and after the training for maximum impact.

Objective of the Assignment
The overall objective of the assignment will be to improve the ability of selected university teams to develop ‘winning’ proposals. Specifically, objectives will be to 1) improve proposal writing skills of participating faculty and university staff, 2) increase awareness of the relevant funding opportunities and how to develop winning proposals; 3) support teams to develop their innovative ideas/ challenges into proposals, including through partnership with RSIF international partner institutions and; 4 support the development of relevant long term research ‘consortia’ to respond to the needs of the broader RSIF agenda.

Role of the Consultant

  1. Prepare a proposal to icipe for undertaking the proposal writing workshop;
  2. Identify potential funding opportunities that could be used as training opportunities for the proposal training workshops;
  3. Design two 5-day training programmes for the university led research teams that should be included in the proposal;
  4. In collaboration with icipe, facilitate the training workshop and ensure that training skills are shared;
  5. Prepare and submit report of the training workshop and related materials to icipe;
  6. Support university teams to submit proposals based on the identified relevant calls such as AU/EU calls.

Role of the RSIF Regional Coordination Unit, icipe

  1. Make logistical arrangements for the training workshop, including venue, travel and accommodation
  2. Communicate with the universities on dates and other details of the training programme
  3. Identify a relevant teams/consortium to participate in the training;
  4. Make travel arrangements for the consultant
  5. Provide relevant RSIF project documents and any other documents that may be required to facilitate the undertaking of the assignment.

Expected Outputs

  1. At least twenty (20) quality research proposals drafted in line with identified calls for proposals successfully submitted;
  2. At least two (2) workshops facilitated to support teams to prepare proposals;
  3. Report on training process and identification of gaps for possible future strengthening and follow-up.

Description of the assignment
Participants in the training who are expected to be engaged prior and after the workshops, comprise faculty and possible representatives from international partner institutions.  Total number of participants is expected to be approximately 35 persons per workshop.
The workshop will entail the use of practical, interactive, participatory and skills/knowledge enhancing training for the participants on how to write a winning grant proposal.  Some of the areas expected to be covered due to their importance for meeting the requirements of competitive research and innovation grant calls for proposals are:

  • Identifying potential donors and opportunities for proposal submission
  • What to look for and how to respond to a call for grant applications
  • Strategies for writing grant winning proposals
  • Elements of a good proposal vs. non-fundable proposal
  • Linking research to societal impact with particular emphasis on transformative technologies
  • Understanding expectations for innovative projects and proposal writing
  • Joint proposal writing
  • An introduction to result based management
  • Relevant trends and expectations in the funding environment, e.g. theory of change, co-creation, consortia and partnerships including with private sector
  • Logical and effective budgeting

It is proposed that the consultant could use the European Union Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education call[2] as guide for discussions and bringing in a practical approach during the workshop or alternatively a similar larger call of a regional nature.

Qualifications and experience
The consultant must be sufficiently qualified, with at least a master’s degree. The applicant should have at least 5 years’ experience in managing proposals for research grants, innovation projects or related business projects. He/she should also have a demonstrated capacity or experience in delivering grant proposal writing training in any of the areas mentioned above. The consultant should have proficiency in speaking English. Proficiency in French will be an added advantage.

Deliverables and Timeframe
Each training workshop is expected to be delivered in five days with four days for planning prior to the workshop and five days for support to teams after the workshop (total of 14 days per workshop). before the end of 2019.
The deliverables for the assignment will be as follows:

No Item Timeframe Remarks (% Payment upon achievement of deliverable)
1 Develop an inception report including detailed training plan, topics and modules 3 days (remotely) 20%
2 Pre training engagement and deliver training to participants. 14 days (travel to Kenya) 50%
3 Post-training engagement with participants to support in actual submission of proposals 4 days (remotely) 0%
4 Submit training report with recommendations and resource material for sharing with participants 11 days 30%

icipe will cater for the consultants’ daily rate as will be agreed by both parties for the contract period as well as travel and accommodation during the training.

Application Guidelines
Interested applicants should submit the following documents to  or  icipe Tender Box, located at icipe Duduville campus, Kasarani, Nairobi (Caroll Wilson Building, Ground Floor) by November 8th, 2019 at 11.00 am local time.

  • Technical proposal
  1. Detailed cover letter expressing interest in this assignment, including full contact details (name, tel. e-mail), and physical address.
  2. Consultant’s detailed CV.
  3. Demonstrate capacity or experience in delivering grant proposal writing training in any of the areas mentioned above. Attach at least three (3) relevant assignments undertaken in the last five (5) years.
  4. Provide contacts of at least three references.
  5. Clear understanding of the assignment/interpretation of the TORs.
  6. Methodology to be used during the assignment.
  7. Work plan clearly indicating the maximum time/duration required for the assignment.
  8. Should be in English language.
  • Financial proposal
  1. Provide a competitive and detailed cost breakdown (fee quote in US$) to perform the assignment, including all the chargeable taxes.
  2. Terms of payment

Criteria for selection of the best offer
The Consultant will be selected in accordance with the criteria laid down in “Selection Based on Consultants Qualification” (CQS) method set out in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers July 2016, Revised November 2017 and August 2018 which can be found at the following website:

Very little beats tertiary education as a poverty-reducing investment, but it needs to be done right

Achieving the NDP’s higher education targets could lift more than 20% out of poverty by 2030. The extra resources can be understood as an important investment only if there is a dedicated commitment to enhancing four performance area.


In the drive to eradicate poverty and inequality in South Africa, nothing could be more important than better economic chances for the youth. Education, employment and rising incomes are very close relatives. Tertiary education is the most critical asset that opens up opportunities for low-income households to lift themselves out of poverty.

There is a two-way relationship between quality education output and job creation. A growing economy will absorb a more qualified and capable labour force. And a more qualified and capable labour force creates a greater incentive for firms to invest in labour-absorbing activities. Click here .. to read this Op-Ed written by member in the PASET Consultative Advisory Group, Dr. Miriam Altman.


Media Invitation: Forum to deliberate strengthening of ASET training in Africa

Nairobi, Kenya – On Monday, 7 October, the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), will host a high level discussion forum on strengthening Africa’s capacity in applied sciences, engineering and technology (ASET).

The Centre is convening the forum in its capacity as the Regional Coordination Unit (RCU) of the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF), the flagship programme of the Partnership for skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (PASET). An initiative by African governments, PASET aims to address fundamental gaps in skills and knowledge necessary for long-term, sustained economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).
Specifically, the forum aims to conduct an analysis of 10 RSIF African Host Universities (AHUs).  These institutions were competitively chosen for their expertise in thematic areas identified by PASET as critical to Africa’s development. The goal is to determine relevant interventions to reinforce the potential of the AHUs in nurturing world class capacity.

The event will be attended by Vice-Chancellors of the 10 RSIF AHUs, representatives of the PASET Executive Board, the Consultative Advisory Group, the World Bank, the Ministry of Education Kenya, and various high-level delegates.

We invite you to the opening ceremony of the forum to be officiated by Hon. Prof. George A. O. Magoha, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education, Kenya; Chair PASET Governing Council, 9.00 – 9.30 am.
This will be followed by a signing ceremony of Partnership Agreements between 10 PASET-RSIF AHUs and icipe,  from 11:00 am – 12:00 noon. This agreement gives the AHUs a chance to benefit from the research and innovation grant windows of the RSIF, and access opportunities for strengthening the design and management of PhD programmes and partnerships with world class research institutions.

For more information, please contact:
Dr. Liz Ng’ang’a
Pauline Achoka

African Host Universities visit Keio University’s Graduate School of System Design and Management

The Partnership for skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (PASET) Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF) Regional Coordination Unit, together with the World Bank organised a visit for representatives from African Universities from the RSIF [1]and Academic Centres of Excellence (ACE[2]) programs to visit the Keio University Graduate School of System Design and Management (Keio SDM) on the 2nd of September, 2019. The group of 16 participants included representatives from Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Malawi. They were accompanied by representatives from the PASET Executive Board, the World Bank and icipe (RSIF’s Regional Coordination Unit). The visit was organised to facilitate partnerships between PASET RSIF and ACE Programs with Japanese universities and businesses which is pivotal for the development of human capital and building excellence in research and innovation within African universities.

Keio SDM pursues problem-solving with a . This is a program that enables learners to seek solutions to complex issues by considering social needs and incorporating technologies. The Keio Universities Innovation Program – “The EDGE”’ is arguably one of the best programs in the world focusing on system design or design thinking. The program focuses on value creation in an innovative thinking approach and nurturing entrepreneurship in the global context. Faculty from the participating universities were able to learn more about the application of system design thinking in coming up with innovative technologies for solving both global and local social issues within their context.

Additionally, the team learned about innovative technologies that the Graduate school of System Design and Management at Keio University (Keio SDM) has developed from the use of satellite data and remote sensing as well as engaging in discussions with potential customers to understand their actual challenges and the applicability of the proposed solution.

‘This program not only helps to build an entrepreneurial mindset but also helps one become system minded and comfortable with design approaches to innovative solutions to social needs in society’ Prof. Kohtake, Keio SDM.
He also noted that systems thinking /design thinking is often not taught in many of our universities and yet an important way to enhance the efficiency of systems.

The team explored partnership opportunities with the innovation program with individual universities and under the umbrella of PASET RSIF and ACE programs. Led by African Governments and facilitated by the World Bank, PASET RSIF aims to sustainably build doctoral training and research and innovation environments in Africa with a focus on 11 selected African host university universities.

[1] University of Nairobi; Kenyatta University; University of Ghana; Bayero University; Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology; and Sokoine University of Agriculture.
[2] International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering (2IE); Kwame Nkurumah University of Science and Technology, Regional Water and Environmental Sanitation Centre Kumasi (RWESCK); Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resource (LUANAR Africa Centre of Excellence in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science).

Consultancy for Marketing, Communications, Branding and Outreach for the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF)



Project Name:            The Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF) for Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Grant No.:                  D347-3A
Assignment Title:     Consultancy for Marketing, Communications, Branding and Outreach for the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF).
Reference No:           KE-ICIPE-127398-CS-QCBS
The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

The consulting services (“the Services”) include: Positioning the RSIF as the premier sustainable pan-African science fund, focused on building high quality applied research capacity in Africa. It aims to develop a comprehensive communications, outreach and branding strategy and related products for the RSIF.  The strategy and products should serve different stakeholders in managing, implementing and overseeing RSIF

The assignment is expected to deliver a comprehensive marketing, communications, branding and outreach strategy and plan for RSIF. The program is expected to include: a) innovative marketing and branding insights to RSIF’s communications with emphasis on marketing and brand building solutions; b) outreach strategies; c) creative work; d) advertising campaigns; e) writing of high-level analytical briefs and f) general support to RSIF’s communications, amongst others. It will also include supporting RSIF to package its products in a way that is compatible to the needs of its audiences, including governments, donors and the private sector. The RCU and the contributors to RSIF expect a very high level of visibility and understanding of RSIF on the continent as a result of this assignment.
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the following website:
The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The shortlisting criteria are:

  • Evidence of firm’s legal status, e.g. statutory registration documents (Certificate of Incorporation, Tax Compliance certificate, PIN and VAT registration Certificates, Relevant registration with regulatory bodies) and postal address, physical location, Tel/E-mail/Website addresses and contact persons.
  • Core business of the firm in providing Marketing, Communications, Branding and Outreach services as demonstrated in the firm’s organisational profile, and number of years in business.
  • Relevant Experience: Examples of at least three (3) references from reputable organisations and whom the firm has provided services of similar nature as sought by icipe.
  • Technical and managerial capability of the firm.

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub- consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Procurement Regulations.

Further information can be obtained at this address ( during office hours 08:00 – 17:00 hrs East Africa Time.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person and deposited in the icipe Tender Box, located at icipe Duduville campus, Kasarani, Nairobi (Caroll Wilson Building, Ground Floor) on or before 13th September 2019 at 11:00 hrs, East Africa Time. The bids will be opened the same date and time, in the presence of those submitting. The submissions in hard copy should be clearly marked: ‘Expression of Interest – Marketing, Communications, Branding and Outreach for the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF)”. Electronic submissions will not be permitted.
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe)

Attn:  Susan Kariuki, Procurement Manager
Duduville campus, Kasarani, Nairobi
P.O. Box 30772, 00100 GPO
Tel:  +254-20-8632000 , Fax: +254-20-8632001/2


RSIF Institutional Capacity Building Program (RSIF- ICBP)
The Partnership for skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (PASET) is an Africa-led initiative to strengthen skills in ASET fields in order to further socio-economic transformation in sub- Saharan Africa (SSA). The Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF) is the flagship program of PASET. The primary objective of RSIF is to strengthen institutional capacity for quality and sustainable doctoral training, research and innovation in transformative technologies in sub- Saharan Africa.

RSIF is anchored on three complimentary Windows:

  • Window 1 supports financing of 3 to 4-year scholarships for PhD training in the selected RSIF African Host Universities;
  • Window 2 supports grants for research awarded to faculty engaged in PhD training in African Host Universities and to RSIF graduates who obtain a post-doctoral or permanent position in academic institutions or research centre in SSA; and
  • Window 3 supports innovation grants awarded to RSIF scholars and faculty who submit joint innovative project proposals with private companies.

The grants are awarded competitively and aim to complement the PhD training offered to scholars by supporting knowledge generation, promoting scientific excellence and encouraging the use of knowledge for development impact.

The RSIF Institutional Capacity Building Program (RSIF- ICBP), is part of Window 3 and provides grants to assist RSIF African Host Universities to develop innovation-enabling environments and to encourage capacity building for innovation and entrepreneurship development. The program will promotes the development of strategic policy documents related to innovation and commercialization in order to create a stimulating environment for successful university-industry partnerships. Furthermore, it will reinforce the development of an institutional framework to enhance the innovation ecosystem within the university by:

  1. Aiding in the development of strategic policy documents related to innovation and commercialization of knowledge.
  2. Strengthening the human resource and development skills of researchers.
  3. Encouraging the establishment of collaborations with business incubators, accelerators, technology hubs and private sector companies in PASET priority areas, and
  4. Supporting the institutionalization of RSIF Host Universities and building their research and innovation-oriented capacities through collaboration with experienced international partners.

In this round of the ICBP, RSIF will award competitively a maximum of 6 grants with budget ceiling per grant of up to $50,000. The grants will be implemented for a maximum period of 2 years.
Eligible Partners

  • RSIF African Host Universities as lead applicants (see for more information).
  • Private sector companies, business incubators, accelerators or technology hubs.
  • International partners (preferably with experience in innovation capacity development and commercialization of knowledge).

Deadline for receipt of proposals is September 30, 2019, midnight East African Time.
The full Call for Proposals and related information on how to submit proposals and relevant templates can be accessed at .

For further information, please contact:
The RSIF Regional Coordination Unit
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe)
Phone: +254 (20) 8632000
Att: Ms. Cynthia Orang’o, Research and Innovation Grants Officer

Delegation from the German Bundestang (Federal Parliament) visits icipe

On July 11, 2019, icipe was honored to host members of the Committee of Education, Research and Technology Assessment of the German Federal Parliament. icipe has several collaborations with Germany including through the German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD), focused on providing PhD level capacity building through icipe’s African Regional Postgraduate Programme in Insect Sciences (ARPPIS); and more recently the Max Planck Partner Group that supports high quality international research partnerships.

The Delegation had the opportunity to learn about icipe’s work and more specifically the Regional Scholarship and Innovations Fund (RSIF), a flagship project of the Partnership for Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (PASET). RSIF aims to strengthen training, research and innovation environments at selected African Universities in PASET priority areas and enhance the generation of transformative technologies that respond to African problems and ultimately contribute to the economic growth of Sub Saharan African Countries.

The Parliamentarians noted PASET Priority thematic areas and the opportunities that exist for collaboration between Germany and Africa specifically in the area of ICTs including big data, robotics, and artificial intelligence which hold strong promise for Africa’s development. Ms. Anke Domscheit-Berg, the Spokeswoman for the Left Party Parliamentary Group on the Committee on Digital Agenda and Group’s spokeswoman on internet policy highlighted the importance of using digital technologies to revolutionize production techniques to reduce the cost of labour, turnaround time and increased production in major sectors of Africa’s economy especially food production.

In addition the parliamentarians emphasized the need to enhance collaboration with German universities, research institutions and the private sector to increase knowledge generation to solve Africa’s challenges.

Visit for more information about PASET RSIF.

PASET is an African government-led initiative created to accelerate building of a scientific and technically skilled labor force by focusing on the continuum of skills from foundational skills to upper secondary/technical/vocational training as well as higher education, scientific research and innovation. icipe was appointed the Regional Coordination Unit for the Fund and is responsible for project implementation. PASET Priority Thematic Areas are: (a)ICTs including big data and artificial intelligence; (b)food security and agribusiness; (c)minerals, mining and materials engineering; (d)energy including renewables; and (e) climate change

Scholarship Opportunity for African Scientists

Press Release

26 June 2019

Major scholarship opportunity for African scientists

PASET-RSIF, Africa’s most innovative doctoral training initiative,  announces Call for PhD funding

This opportunity is provided by the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF), the flagship programme of the Partnership for skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (PASET). An initiative by African governments, PASET aims to address fundamental gaps in skills and knowledge necessary for long-term, sustained economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

African scientists interested in pursuing doctoral training in applied sciences, engineering and technology (ASET), have a chance to access fully funded scholarships, tenable in selected African universities in collaboration with highly recognised international institutions.

RSIF aims to support PhD training, research and innovation, towards creating much needed technical and scientific capacity for the advancement and use of transformative technologies for development in Africa. The initiative is currently funded by contributions from African governments, the World Bank and the Government of Korea; with the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) serving as the Regional Coordination Unit (RCU).
In a call for applications announced on 14 June 2019 with a closing date of 22 July 2019, RSIF is availing 45 scholarships in five thematic areas identified by PASET as priority economic sectors for growth and development in Africa: information communication technologies (ICTs), including big data and artificial intelligence; food security and agribusiness; minerals, mining and materials engineering; energy including renewables; and climate change.
Scholars will be enrolled in one of the following 10 competitively chosen African institutions:
ICTs including big data and artificial intelligence 

  • University of Gaston Berger, Senegal (Africa Center of Excellence for Mathematics, Informatics, and ICT);
  • University of Rwanda (Africa Center of Excellence in Internet of Things – ACEIoT).

Food security and agribusiness

  • University of Ghana (Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness);
  • Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania (Africa Center of Excellence for Infectious Diseases of Humans & Animals in Southern & Eastern Africa -SACIDS).

Minerals, mining and materials engineering

  • Kenyatta University, Kenya (Department of Physics);
  • Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Tanzania (Africa Centre of Excellent in Water Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy Futures – WISE-Futures).

Energy including renewables

  • University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria (Africa Center of Excellence in Oilfield Chemicals Research – ACE-CEFOR);
  • University of Nairobi, Kenya (Department of Physics).

Climate change

  • University Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Côte D’ivoire (Africa Center of Excellence for Climate Change Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture);
  • Bayero University, Nigeria (Africa Centre of Excellence in Dryland Agriculture)

In addition, the scholars will conduct part of their research in international organisations, where they will collaborate and be mentored by leading global experts in their fields of study.
Complete details regarding the RSIF scholarships are available at:

Notes for Editors

The Partnership for skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (PASET) is an Africa-led initiative with the objective of strengthening the science, technology and engineering capability in sub-Saharan Africa to further its socio-economic transformation. Led by African governments, PASET champions a regional approach which complements individual country efforts. It functions as a convening platform by bringing together African governments, the private sector, and new partners, such as Brazil, China, India, and Korea, to invest in Africa. Overall, PASET focuses on maximizing investment in key sectors, while increasing the capacity of universities, research centers and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) centers to generate knowledge and create skilled workforces, researchers and innovators relevant to Africa’s development challenges. Further information:

The Regional Scholarship Innovation Fund (RSIF), the flagship initiative of PASET, aims to respond to prevailing opportunities and challenges in SSA by reinforcing doctoral training in ASET through a virtuous circle that will increase the number of PhD graduates and the quality of higher education through stronger faculty. A competitive grants scheme, RSIF has two components: (i) a general fund, which supports PhD training, research and innovation projects and (ii) a permanent or endowment fund, whose proceeds will be channeled into the general fund. Further information:
 As the Regional Coordination Unit (RCU) of RSIF, the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (, has a mandate that includes overall coordination planning, monitoring and evaluation of RSIF activities. Specifically, icipe  manages the two RSIF funds; strengthens the capacity of universities and partnering institutions to train PhDs, and to facilitates research and innovation in the PASET priority sectors.Further information:

The Manager, RSIF RCU
International Centre of Physiology and Ecology (icipe) P.O. Box 30772-00100, Nairobi, Kenya; Tel +254 (20) 8632000. Email: |
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