“RSIF is a very important project because it allows great opportunities for our Young people in Africa. 70% of the population in Africa is below the age of 30, so when you have such a young population and make the right kind of investments for them, it will be a huge potential for development of the region. We might have the next Einstein in Lesotho or Kenya”.
Author: Sakina Kahindi
Dr Moses Osiru welcome message to RSIF UM6P Conference 28-29 June, 2022.
The Pan-African hybrid Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (RSIF) – UM6P Conference themed African-led science, technology and innovation for contributing to the SDGs and global development will take place at the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) in Ben Guerir, Morocco and online from 28-29 June 2022. The objective of the Conference is to engage with new partners, showcase achievements of RSIF and facilitate resource mobilisation.
RSIF harnessing the digital revolution for growth in Africa
RSIF harnessing the digital revolution for growth in Africa; Robotoics, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and Internet of Things (IoT)
RSIF donors supporting the training of 10.000 Ph.Ds in the next decade.
There is growing support by African Several governments. In addition, the Government of Korea, the World Bank, and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), through the European Union, are supporting RSIF
RSIF Students: What the scholarship means to them
The number of RSIF scholars continues to increase. Some of the students speak on what the scholarship means to them
Colette Abimana-RSIF PhD Scholar
Colette Abimana is an RSIF PhD Scholar in minerals, mining and materials engineering at The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) PhD/Research Topic: Improving Energy Storage Systems for Sustainability of Renewable Energy Technologies for Electric Power Generation: “Supercapacitors”
RSIF Pre-Conference: Closing Session
Make sure to tune in for the closing session for key take-aways from the discussions with lessons for Africa’s higher education, science, technology, and innovation space. The meeting outcomes will inform our continued Covid-response and effective contribution to the SDGs and climate goals; Building of research capacity; and Way forward for science funding in Africa, and RSIF specifically. Together we lay out agreed actions and outcomes for the network as we look ahead to the upcoming RSIF Conference in Morocco in May 2022.
Moderator: Ms. Ruth Charo, World Bank
Rapporteur: Dr. Julius Ecuru, Manager, BioInnovate Africa
RSIF Pre-Conference: Contributing Governments
Science Funding in Africa
Brief introduction by Dr. Moses Osiru, Manager, RSIF
• Panelist 1: Korea: Dr. Kwangchul Ji, Director, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Government of Korea (Video).
• Panelist 2: Kenya: Prof. Walter O. Oyawa, Director General – NACOSTI
• Panelist 3: Mozambique: Prof. Eugénia Cossa, National Director of Science, Technology and Innovation
• Panelist 4: Côte d’Ivoire: Prof. Aka Fulgence Nindjin, Director of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
• Panelist 5: Rwanda: Hon. Dr. Valentine Uwamariya, Minister of Education
RSIF Pre-Conference:Establishing an endowment fund for building STI capacity in Africa
Science Funding in Africa
The first pan-African science fund of its kind, PASET RSIF has the objective of establishing a permanent fund that can sustainably support applied scientific and engineering research in sub-Saharan Africa universities. RSIF design promises multiplier effects and reduced PhD costs over time, required to substantially increase the stock of highly skilled scientists, professionals and innovators for transformation to a knowledge economy. Join the discussion on ways for the partnership to raise long-term investments in Africa’s science capacities in the post-Covid era – as we consider the proposed modalities for establishing the RSIF permanent fund. Introduction on the rationale and case for a permanent Pan-African science fund
Moderator: Prof. Wole Winston Soboyejo, Provost, Senior Vice President, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Boston
Rapporteur: Prof. Jibrin Mohammed Jibrin, RSIF Coordinator, Bayero University, Kano
• Panelist 1: Dr. Mercy Karanja, Senior Program Officer, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
• Panelist 2: Mrs. Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli (MFR), Co-founder/ Managing Partner, Sahel Consulting
• Panelist 3: Prof. Philip Cotton, Director, Human Capital Development, Mastercard Foundation
• Panelist 4: Mrs. Dora Waruiru, Head of Foundation Cooperative Bank
Comments by:
• Mr. Joel Kibet Molel, Principal Resource Mobilization and Partnerships Officer, African Development Bank
• Mr. Marcel Mballa-Ekobena, Sloan Fellow, London Business School, Investments, Markets and ESG Executive
• Dr. Dorothy Nyambi, President and CEO, MEDA.
RSIF Pre-Conference: The role of RSIF in Strengthening Africa’s development with a focus on SDGs
Science Funding in Africa
The rationale for RSIF is that Africa requires world class scientists in priority thematic disciplines that are relevant to national economic growth across sub-Saharan Africa. How can a regional approach address critical national problems in developing research capacity? What is the role of national research funds in this respect? What are the lessons from the South African context for the continent?
Keynote: Prof. Fulufhelo Nelwamondo, CEO of the National Research Foundation of South Africa: The role of RSIF in Strengthening Africa’s development with a focus on SDGs
Moderator: Prof. Frans Swanepoel, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Rapporteur: Emmanuel Effah, RSIF PhD Student