
RSIF Thesis Defence Training (For Cohort I)

Start Date: January 21st, 2022

End Date: January 21st, 2022

Venue: Zoom (Virtual)


RSIF will be offering the above one day mandatory course for all RSIF Cohort I scholars that have not yet completed their PhD on 21st January 2022 from 10.00 AM to 06.00 PM EAT

About this workshop
At the end of their PhD study, RSIF PhD students are required to present their research findings to the board of examiners and then respond to critical questions. This course is designed to prepare the PhD RSIF scholars optimally for the defence.
In the first part of the course the participants get practical tips on how to prepare for the defence and the requisite technical requirements and qualifications

The second part of the course presents the participants with practical tips for their introductory presentation: how to structure the presentation, how to build up the central argument, use of language, listening skills, answering questions deeply, typical problems that occur during the discussion: How to respond to criticism and how to deal with stage fright and the processes that follow after a successful defence.

In the third part, participants together with AHU faculty or coordinator get the chance to go into breakout sessions within their AHUs and discuss the processes in the respective AHUs unpacking the cultural and traditional nuances in the AHUs. This will then be documented and presented in brief in a plenary session where there will be feedback from participants.
This one-day training serves as an introduction and a guide to RSIF final year students on how to prepare for the defence.

Duration: 1 day
Frequency: Annual
Lead Trainer at icipe: Dr Everlyn Nguku, Capacity Building Specialist, icipe

Workshop administrator at icipe: Mr Bonface Nyagah, Capacity Building Officer, icipe

Target audience: RSIF final year PhD Students

Learning outcomes
This course aims to introduce, demystify and broaden the understanding of the PhD Thesis Defence process
It further aims to prepare final year doctoral students for a confident and effective defence presentation and oral examination. By the end of this course participants will be able to:
• Prepare well on all technical matters before the defence
• Know how to deal with stage fright
• Prepare a convincing and well-structured presentation
• Confidently deal with counter arguments and critical questions
• Exude confident about their thesis defence