
The 19th Seminar in the RSIF Student Seminar Series

Start Date: March 2nd, 2022

End Date: March 2nd, 2022

Venue: Zoom (Virtual)


The 19th RSIF Student Seminar of the RSIF Student Seminar Series will take place on 02nd March 2022  03:00 – 04:30 PM EAT

We will listen to presentations from the following 3 RSIF scholars:

Ms Rogia Saïdath Adéline Gomez

·     AHU: Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania

·     Thematic Area: Food Security and Agribusiness

·     Topic: Biosecurity in poultry farms and its effects on productivity and meat safety

Mr Nana Okyir Baidoo

·     AHU: University of Ghana

·     Thematic Area: Food Security and Agribusiness

·     Topic: Social Impact Analysis of Private Sector Investments in The Ghanaian Cocoa Sector

Mr Martin Ansong

·     AHU: University of Nairobi, Kenya

·     Thematic Area: Energy including Renewables

·     Topic: “Energy Management System for a Photovoltaic Powered Brackish Water Desalination System Integrated with Lithium-Ion Batteries and Supercapacitors”

Advance registration: 

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