Our Impact

Development and evaluation of low-cost irrigation water turbines

Thematic Area: Energy including renewables

University: Universidade Save (UniSave)

Project Leader: Jossias Arnaldo Vilanculo

Collaborating Partners: Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa

Duration: 2 years

Project Overview


With the rising price of oil and energy electricity, there is need for innovative affordable sources of sources of energy. For the specific case of Districts from Inharrime, Homoine and Inhassoro in Mozambique where agriculture is practiced mostly on the margins of small rivers, using hand watering is time consuming thus farming productivity is limited and big arable lands remain unexploited.

The technology

This project aims to promote modern and sustainable agriculture for higher production and productivity through the transfer of water pumping technology for low-cost irrigation in the Districts of Inharrime, Homoine and Inhassoro.

Expected Impact

With the implementation of this irrigation technology, it is expected that the beneficiaries will enjoy increased farm production in the targeted districts.


For more information, please contact the Project Leader.