Rsif-Mozambique partnership progress
The official launch and results sharing seminar for the Improvement for Skills Development in Mozambique (MozSkills) Project funded by the World Bank through the government of Mozambique was physically held at the Hotel Cardoso in Maputo Mozambique on 13th and 14th October 2022, with some partners and stakeholders joining virtually. The Mozskills project is supported by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), through the Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (Rsif), in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of Mozambique.
The Mozskills Project aims to support Mozambican researchers, scientists and innovators from Mozambican universities, public research institutes and private sector firms with innovative ideas that could be commercialized to generate innovative ideas and advance their research excellence.
The aim of the launch and seminar was to assess the progress of the project and enhance communication with the key stakeholders. It was also to mobilise engagement and offer support to project teams to prepare them for the various implementation roles.
During the two-day event, the first day focused on the official launch of the project, as well as capacity building, Monitoring and Evaluation; and awareness activities targeting the project grantees, while the second day focused on the Rsif Mozskills and Institutional Development Fund (IDF) Projects Results Sharing Seminar of the 4th Call for PhD scholarships, research and innovation grants.
The purpose of the seminar, which was held on 14th October, was to share the results of the 1st component of the Mozskills Project and to reinforce the quality of higher education and strengthen the capacity for research and innovation in Mozambique. During the event, the institutions and the selected grantees sign the term of commitment to use funds to be allocated efficiently and transparently.
The government of Mozambique, through Mozskills, has contributed to Rsif, by financing competitive grants and scholarships with an objective to train high quality PhD and post-doctoral students to address the human resource gap in the fields of applied sciences, engineering, and technology (ASET) and to contribute to improving research and innovation capacities in those fields in Mozambique. The Rsif component contributes to other initiatives by the Government that aim to enhance the local national science, technology, and innovation system.
“Rsif’s role is to support the building of a critical mass of high-quality researchers and innovators on the continent, and not just male, but male and female. As part of this, we focus first on south- south partnerships to enhance the capacity of our universities to produce high quality postgraduate students in the applied sciences, engineering and technology.” Dr Moses Osiru, Rsif Manager
Since signing of the grant agreement in 2021, a total of 32 PhD students’ scholarships have been awarded to Mozambican nationals with merit, and twelve of 21 research and innovation grants have been selected. The scholars will join 246 scholars from other countries that have previously been awarded the scholarship. Rsif’s support is broadly aimed at supporting the strengthening of Mozambique’s Education, Science and Technology sector, by making use of Rsif’s regional mechanism to enhance access to high quality advanced research institutions, reduce inbreeding, and support regional and international networking across Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and the globe.
“Mozambique has joined Rsif with an unequivocal conviction of the importance of this initiative to strengthen the capacity for research and innovation in Africa and our country in particular. We wish to congratulate the selected grants but above all, wish them success in the formation and implementation of the Projects.” Hon. Prof. Daniel Daniel Nivagara, Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Mozambique and member of the PASET Governing Council.

At the end of the launch meeting, the project grantees and scholars will be able to create a shared vision and understanding of key issues to facilitate project management. The grant beneficiaries will also gain access to high-quality complimentary capacity building and professional development opportunities that will foster talent, build networks, and encourage cross- disciplinary collaboration.
Follow @PasetRsif on twitter for more information about the launch.